List of publications related to UaESMC
Conference proceedings
Talviste Riivo*; Laur, Sven; Willemson, Jan*. From Oblivious AES to Efficient and Secure Database Join in the Multiparty Setting. The 11th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2013), June 2013.
In this article the authors use secure multiparty computation to implement AES block cipher on secret-shared data and on top of that construct secure database join operation. The latter allows an analyst to merge together two secret-shaed databases (e.g. income and educational data) according to values in a key column. This merged database can be used in further privacy-preserving computations.
Laud, Peeter*; Pankova, Alisa*. New Attacks against Transformation-Based Privacy-Preserving Linear Programming. Security and Trust Management(STM) 2013, December 2013.
The authors show concrete attacks against existing LP schemes
Laud, Peeter*; Pankova, Alisa*. On the (Im)possibility of Privately Outsourcing Linear Programming. The ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop (CCSW 2013), November 2013.
In the paper strong evidence is given against the possibility of practical transformation-based schemes for privacy-preserving linear programming
Kiayias, Aggelos*; Tselekounis, Yiannis*. Tamper Resilient Circuits: The Adversary at the Gates. ASIACRYPT 2013, December 2013.
The authors initiate a investigation of gate-tampering attacks against cryptographic circuits. They (i) provide a tamper resilience impossibility result that applies to both gate and wire tampering adversaries and relates the amount of tampering to the depth of the circuit, (ii) prove that gate-tampering is strictly stronger than wire-tampering, and (iii) show that defending against gate-tampering attacks is feasible by appropriately abstracting an analysing an existing compiler, which is proven to be secure against wire-attackers.
Bogdanov, Dan*; Kamm, Liina*; Laur, Sven; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille*, Talviste, Riivo*; Willemson, Jan*. Privacy-Preserving Statistical Data Analysis on Federated Databases. Annual Privacy Forum, May 2014.
Bogdanov, Dan*; Laur, Sven; Talviste, Riivo*. A Practical Analysis of Oblivious Sorting Algorithms for Secure Multi-party Computation. 19th Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems (NordSec 2014), October 2014.
* Project partners